It’s not about whether being transgender is real or not. It’s not about whether identifying as a gender other than that which one is born with is righteous or not. It’s about protecting women and children.
It’s not about whether being transgender is real or not. It’s not about whether identifying as a gender other than that which one is born with is righteous or not.
It’s about protecting women and children.
It’s about safety and privacy for women and girls in public spaces. It’s about protecting the rights and opportunities of women. It’s about not allowing male-bodied athletes to retain spots, playing time, scholarships, and victories that belong to women, both young and old.
And it’s about retaining our sanity as a people.
Have we lost our minds? It seems we have. Right is left, left is right, one plus one equals two (depending on your skin color), good is evil and evil is good. We are in serious trouble.
Margaret Oneal Monteleone, a then-freshman in high school, would have taken first place in her first-ever high school track meet if a biological male had not been allowed to steal her victory.
Selina Soule competed for a qualifying spot at the New England Regional Championships in the 55-meter dash but the first and second spots were taken by two male athletes. The unfair advantage cost Selina the opportunity to compete in front of college scouts.
Chelsea Mitchell, a high school sprinter, was well on her way to state titles and awards until the same two males were allowed to compete, resulting in her loss of four state championship titles.
Both science and common sense agree that men are faster, bigger, and stronger than women. We have fought too long and too hard to lose our equal opportunity all over again. And if losing titles, positions, scholarships, and opportunities isn’t priority enough, our personal safety should, at minimum, take precedence over helping natal males feel included among women. Sadly, that isn’t the case.
Just last year a Virginia juvenile court judge ruled that a male teenager sexually assaulted a female student in a Loudoun County high school restroom. He was wearing a skirt. The school’s response? While still under investigation he was transferred to another school where he allegedly assaulted another female student. Not surprisingly, this took place in a state where democrats voted to end school administration reporting of sexual battery to law enforcement.
Something has to be done. And Republicans are doing something. Something BIG. On May 19, 2022, House Republicans, led by Rep. Debbie Lesko, R-Ariz., introduced the Women’s Bill of Rights Congressional Resolution to codify our common definition of the words ‘female,’ ‘woman,’ and ‘sex’ before Leftism erases it completely. While the same activists who organize the Women’s March wearing masks that say“Feminist as F***” work to eliminate biological sex categories, the Women’s Independent Voice brought bi-partisan voices together to double down on protecting women’s freedom.
Check it out:
“Whereas, males and females possess unique and immutable biological differences that manifest prior to birth and increase as they age and experience puberty;
Whereas, biological differences between the sexes mean that only females are able to get pregnant, give birth, and breastfeed children;
Whereas, biological differences between the sexes mean that males are, on average, bigger, stronger, and faster than females;
Whereas, biological differences between the sexes leave females more physically vulnerable than males to specific forms of violence, including sexual violence;
Whereas, females have historically suffered from discrimination in education, athletics, and employment;
Whereas, biological differences between the sexes are enduring and may, in some circumstances, warrant the creation of separate social, educational, athletic, or other spaces in order to ensure safety and/or to allow members of each sex to succeed and thrive;
Whereas, inconsistencies in court rulings and policy initiatives with respect to the definitions of ‘sex,’ ‘male,’ ‘female,’ ‘man,’ and ‘woman’ have led to endangerment of single-sex spaces and resources, thereby necessitating clarification of certain terms,
We affirm that:
For purposes of state/federal law, a person’s ‘sex’ is defined as his or her biological sex (either male or female) at birth;
For purposes of state/federal law, a ‘female’ is an individual whose biological reproductive system is developed to produce ova; a ‘male’ is an individual whose biological reproductive system is developed to fertilize the ova of a female;
For purposes of state/federal law, ‘woman’ and ‘girl’ refer to human females, and the terms ‘man’ and ‘boy’ refer to human males;
For purposes of state/federal law, the word ‘mother’ is defined as a parent of the female sex and ‘father’ is defined as a parent of the male sex;
When it comes to sex, ‘equal’ does not mean ‘same’ or ‘identical’;
When it comes to sex, separate is not inherently unequal;
There are legitimate reasons to distinguish between the sexes with respect to athletics, prisons or other detention facilities, domestic violence shelters, rape crisis centers, locker rooms, restrooms, and other areas where biology, safety, and/or privacy are implicated;
Policies and laws that distinguish between the sexes are subject to intermediate constitutional scrutiny, which forbids unfair discrimination against similarly-situated males and females but allows the law to distinguish between the sexes where such distinctions are substantially related to important governmental objectives;
Any public school or school district and any federal/state/local agency, department, or office that collects vital statistics for the purpose of complying with anti-discrimination laws or for the purpose of gathering accurate public health, crime, economic, or other data shall identify each individual who is part of the collected data set as either male or female at birth.”
Nailed it.
After all our progress as women, it’s hard to imagine we are even having this conversation at all; even more difficult to imagine it happening in America. And yet here we are.
I hope you will join me in signing the Women’s Bill of Rights to protect the definition of a woman and (hopefully) restore some sanity to our nation. Click here to sign.
Can we all at least admit that nothing has been built back better since this last election? If everything rises and falls on leadership, and I believe it does, America is in big trouble.
So I am totally geeking out about this. Like, in a BIG way.
Can we all at least admit that nothing has been built back better since this last election? If everything rises and falls on leadership, and I believe it does, America is in big trouble.
But we don’t have to sit and be silent about it. We can educate ourselves on hot-button issues while building lasting bonds and looking for ways to take local action. And that is what the Independent Women’s Network seeks to do.
IWN is the latest arm of the Independent Women’s Forum, the leading national women’s organization dedicated to developing and advancing policies that are more than just well-intended, but actually enhance people’s freedom, opportunities, and well-being. They use their platform and voice to educate and advocate for women.
And I am soooo on board with everything they are doing.
I didn’t have much if any, interest in politics or public policy growing up. When I married my husband almost 25 years ago the Democrat versus Republican conversation never came up. I grew up in a conservative household but didn’t know it until I was well into adulthood when my dad gave me a copy of Dennis Prager’s book, Still the Best Hope. I discovered two things while reading this book: being a conservative means possessing common sense and turns out my husband was and always has been a conservative. A brown, immigrant, conservative. He’s one of The View’s favorite oxymorons.
Then came the 2016 election. When I heard President Trump announce his candidacy something in my spirit leaped. I knew we had the wrecking ball our government desperately needed. I was a fan.
As a former evangelical church staffer for over 10 years and a lifelong committed follower of Jesus Christ, I came out as a MAGA fan. And I could not believe the backlash! I mean, I expected some for sure. I’m not completely naive. But nothing prepares you for Believers trying to preach political sides to you while literally denying the system of justice God laid out for us in scripture (which most have never read). When challenged with the Word and sent a personal invitation to discuss over coffee… crickets.
Even pastors and their wives. It was quite literally sickening.
I asked for feedback from people I didn’t agree with. All it did was prove their agenda was not to walk in love. Note to self: never ask for feedback from people who do not genuinely love you. And NEVER ask for feedback from those who are motivated by reparations, victim mentalities, or who look to define racism in places it doesn’t exist.
I lost friends and followers. Good riddance.
And then the great divide we all witnessed… church leaders who stood in support of Trump at complete odds with those who opposed him. Oh, the irony! The irony was two-fold. The irony that some of our most prominent male and female Christian* leaders were dreadfully offended at Trump’s pride and arrogance was astonishing because I’ve literally never met a person who accused someone of pride that did not themselves walk in pride.
The current state of America is due IN FULL to the failure of church leaders who have gone before us. Full stop. They brainwashed us in religion (yes, the evangelical churches too) and failed to stand up to government overreach for YEARS. Then, when the going got tough they buckled. The reality is this: anyone who voted for anyone other than Trump was gravely deceived and unlike the Sons of Isaachar, they didn’t understand the times (1 Chronicles 12:32).
It’s amazing how these worldwide traumatic events have caused a long walk through the institutions. We see how fragile the church is, how sick the educational system is, how corrupt both the Left and the Right truly are, and how passive the average American is.
But no more. We are waking up and fighting back. A grassroots tribe of conservative thinkers is on the move and the Independent Women’s Network is a leading part of this movement. If you are in the greater Phoenix area, contact me here for more information. If you are in another state be sure to check the IWN website for local chapters you can join or maybe even start your own!
Here’s the thing: when you know the truth you don’t have to be afraid. When you have a group of like-minded women who are for you and who get you, your confidence will build exponentially. We can’t run the race alone and we certainly cannot be among those who sat back and complained while the world literally fell apart around us and we lost all our freedoms.
I refuse to answer to God for that.
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Here’s what I’ve found to be key to moving through powerful negative emotions: taking off the pressure of having to do all the things to please God
and instead, focusing on entering into His rest.
And as it turns out, the Bible gave us instructions for this type of transformation!
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